Torn Away, 2018
Holes and Bumps, 2018
Stretch Marks, 2018
Growing Pains, 2018
Torn Away, 2018
Torn Away, 2018

A cat Jasmine begged her mom to get tore a hole into the wallpaper of their home within the first week of having her. The kitty was promptly given to Jasmine’s aunt.

Holes and Bumps, 2018
Holes and Bumps, 2018

Underneath all the bathroom wallpaper in Jasmine’s childhood home, are the scars nails and screws left after they had been dug in. The two biggest holes on the left are evidence from when Jasmine accidentally ripped the towel rack out of the wall when she was thirteen.

Stretch Marks, 2018
Stretch Marks, 2018

This window seal shows how the interior of the house has settled into the foundation.

Growing Pains, 2018
Growing Pains, 2018

There are some imperfections that you choose to keep. Jasmine’s growth chart inside her closet was one of those blemishes. Even when Jasmine had her room re-painted, the conscious decision was made to preserve this piece of individual history.